The Good News

2023 Holiday Gift Guide!
As you're buying gifts for your loved ones, finding just the right gift for different personalities and occasions can be a challenge. I'm hoping this Holiday gift guide can help...
2023 Holiday Gift Guide!
As you're buying gifts for your loved ones, finding just the right gift for different personalities and occasions can be a challenge. I'm hoping this Holiday gift guide can help...

Boss's Day Gift Ideas!
A good boss deserves to be celebrated and National Boss's Day is the perfect opportunity. Show your boss some appreciation with these unique personalized gift ideas!
Boss's Day Gift Ideas!
A good boss deserves to be celebrated and National Boss's Day is the perfect opportunity. Show your boss some appreciation with these unique personalized gift ideas!

Plan with me! Weekly Planner Layout in a few e...
These weekly planner layout posts are turning into a regular thing. Should I just go ahead and make it official, should I do a plan with me every week? My...
Plan with me! Weekly Planner Layout in a few e...
These weekly planner layout posts are turning into a regular thing. Should I just go ahead and make it official, should I do a plan with me every week? My...

A Bullet Journal Weekly Spread in 5 Easy Steps
You're thinking about your upcoming week, you KNOW the bullet journal process is going to be a helpful tool for organizing your life but you’re just starting out and you...
A Bullet Journal Weekly Spread in 5 Easy Steps
You're thinking about your upcoming week, you KNOW the bullet journal process is going to be a helpful tool for organizing your life but you’re just starting out and you...

Quick and Easy Weekly Bullet Journal Spread
I am a big fan of using a bullet journal as a planner and every week I create a spread to capture what I need to accomplish for the week....
Quick and Easy Weekly Bullet Journal Spread
I am a big fan of using a bullet journal as a planner and every week I create a spread to capture what I need to accomplish for the week....

Incredibly easy Habit Tracking, with these 3 tips!
This year, instead of resolutions I am creating good habits! My days, probably like yours, are super busy and I have very little spare time so I was in need...
Incredibly easy Habit Tracking, with these 3 tips!
This year, instead of resolutions I am creating good habits! My days, probably like yours, are super busy and I have very little spare time so I was in need...